Yet another blog

WWF Monday Night RAW. September 21st, 1995

Originally posted to Cohost. This was where I stopped watching all of the Monday Night Wars for some reason, but I might pick it up again.

This should be September 18th, I'm sure, because that's the same date as Nitro and would be a week after the previous RAW and before the next RAW, but the WWE Network dates it the 21st so I'm titling it with that just so it's easy to find again.

I really appreciate the catch-ups at the start of these episodes because I absolutely can't keep track of two promotions-worth of plots, especially as I'm not managing to watch them particularly close together. Last time the 123-Kid called out Razor Ramon after some interference in the British Bulldog's match, so this week we get to see them get in the ring together. I'm not sure what else is in store so I'm just going to shut up and watch it.

Match 1: 123 Kid vs. Razor Ramon

We start with a catch-up on the rivalry here that goes all the way back to a match in 1993. That's a deep cut to set up a new plot line but I respect it.

This is a really fun opening match. It's high energy and the 123 Kid gets thrown all over the ring. I always enjoy a bit of flying and the Kid delivers.

Dean Douglas interferes while everyone - including the ref - is lying on the floor and the 123 Kid manages to pin Razor Ramon afterwards, without knowing the interference happened. That's a fun plot element and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes. I assume it's all part of the build-up to In Your House the following weekend.


Dean Douglas talks shit about how the 123 Kid didn't defeat Razor Ramon, Dean did. Turns out Dead and Razor Ramon are fighting at In Your House so yeah, the whole thing is part of that plot.

Match 2: Kama & Tatanka vs. Savio Vega & Bob Holly

I don't like tag matches at the best of times but it's even harder to care when I don't know who anyone is. As far as tag matches go, though, this is pretty good. There's a lot of fun dirty tactics involving distracting the ref and, thankfully, no outside interference.

These are some big guys so it's nice - and surprising! - to see a bit of top rope action and some real athleticism going on. It's also over nice and quick, before anyone can tire out and the pace can flag. Very fun. Interlude

Razor Ramon cuts a promo in response to Dean Douglas. It's short and sweet and I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to watch In Your House or not. I probably will, just so that I've watched a WWF PPV as well as a WCW one.

Match 3: Jean Pierre Lafitte vs. Brian Walsh

The commentary team get Bret Hart on the phone during this match to cut a promo ahead of his match against Jean Pierre Lafitte ahead of In Your House. It's weird but kind of cool.

At one point Lafitte goes to the turnbuckle and nearly slips off it, which would have sucked for him. He catches his balance though and lands a canonball on the chest of Brian Walsh, enabling him to get the pin. It's a bit of a nothing match and it exists largely as background watching while Hart talks about In Your House.

Match 4: Owen Hart & Yokozuna vs. Men on a Mission

These are some very, very big men and the commentary team make a big deal of the idea that the ring has had to be reinforced to accommodate them, which is hilarious.

It's very bittersweet watching Owen Hart, knowing what was going to happen to him a few years later. He also looks absolutely tiny in the ring with these three guys. He does his absolute best to inject some energy into the match but it's obvious he's slowing down for a lot of it because the big guys can't keep up.

There's some ref distraction in this match, which would be fun if we hadn't already seen it in the previous match. And unlike that one, this outstays its welcome. The best part of it is the ringside cameraman trying to sell the impact of Yokoazuna hitting the mat with some fun camera shakes.


Shawn Michaels and Dieael have a promo to talk shit about Owen Hart. We're really selling In Your House this week because of course we are.

We come back to an in-ring promo with Vince McMahon chatting to Owen Hart and Yokozuna's manager - whose name I didn't catch but who is pretty good on the mic - about the triple header tag team title match at In Your House the coming weekend again Diesel and Hart. As well as the tag team belt the Intercontinental and WWF titles are on the line, which is very silly and very fun. I'm probably going to end up watching In Your House.

And that's it for RAW. This was a better show than the previous week, without a doubt.

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